• Yoga

    Joogaopettajakurssin kuulumisia

    Kaupallinen yhteistyö: HIMA Happiness Täällä viime syksy oli silkkaa juhlaa, sillä Gabrielin nimiäisten jälkeisenä viikonloppuna meillä juhlittiin joogaopettajaryhmämme pikkujouluja. Koska asumme ihan opetusstudion vieressä, ehdotin, että järjestäisin meille pikkujoulut kotonamme. Tässä on ollut paljon kaikkea, niin sanoin, että mitään kovin kunnianhimoisia tarjoiluja emme…

  • Yoga,  Update

    Yoga and an awesome Friday

    Collaboration with HIMA Happiness In August, after a couple of months' summer break, we had a yoga teacher training weekend again and I was a little worried about how it would go since I've been so tired and my belly is already so big. We'll get back to that in a minute but first I have to tell you that the timing of the weekend...

  • Yoga

    Yoga News

    Collaboration with HIMA Happiness We just had two face-to-face weekends in a row at the yoga teacher training so it was almost like having a little yoga retreat before the summer vacation! I missed the first two days of the second weekend because we had rented a cabin for that weekend but luckily I was able to join in for the whole Sunday. I wrote before the teacher training started how excited I was about anatomy...

  • Yoga

    Yoga teacher training has started!

    Collaboration with HIMA Happiness My yoga teacher course started a couple of weeks ago, here are my feelings from the first weekend. The weekends are held at HIMA's facilities in Ullanlinna and we started on a Friday afternoon. I didn't get there until just before the start, the others had already had tea and a chance to chat a little. We started getting to know each by giving a neck and shoulder massage to the person sitting next to us, and that's when I got that "oh no...

  • Yoga

    Yoga Dreams

    Collaboration with HIMA Happiness I promised something exciting was coming, so here it is. I'm about to start HIMA Happiness' HIMA Seasons yoga teacher training, and in about a year, I'll be a yoga teacher! I've been thinking for a long time how great it would be to get a proper yoga teacher training, after all I have practiced yoga for over 20 years and taught it too occasionally...
