• Relationship

    Happy birthday....

    In case you're wondering where I've been, I got a cold right after my birthday and so I've spent the last few days resting. So it was my birthday on Monday (the exact same day and year as our prime minister by the way :) ). I've never understood why people get anxious about getting older. To me there's two options, either you get older or you die. I really much prefer the former...

  • Honeymoon,  Relationship

    Mini honeymoon in Finland

    I think that the last thing I've written about our honeymoon was that we're planning a month long honeymoon once the corona situation allows it and as we weren't sure when that would be, we decided to take a short trip right after the wedding. So we planned a lovely romantic trip to Paris and Disney Land... until France's corona situation got really bad again. So we decided to travel somewhere in Finland. In a way we have a fun situation as our Paris trip could only be postponed, not canceled, and we have also paid for Disney World in Florida which could only be...

  • Wedding,  Games and Traditions,  Relationship

    Shoe game

    *Sisältää mainoslinkin. Emme ennättäneetkään pitää kenkäleikkiä häissämme, mutta mikäpä estäisi meitä tekemään sitä näin blogin välityksellä! Eli, saimme meille tehdyt kysymykset, joihin vastasimme toisiemme vastauksia tietämättä ja koostin vastaukset tähän. E tarkoittaa Eerikin vastausta ja S Sissin. Kumpi on parempi kokkaamaan? S: Molemmat…

  • Ideas,  Engagement,  Relationship

    Wedding Update

    Hello! It's less than a month to our wedding... and we haven't really done anything in the last week or so :D Next week we have to get our stuff together though it's been nice to take a short break. We have a crafts day coming up with our wedding team so that also took some pressure off, now I don't constantly feel like I should be painting or crafting something. I highly recommend a crafts day with your friends if you have anything that needs to made for the wedding...

  • Relationship

    Our Story

    Includes links to advertisements, marked with * I've been wanting to write a post about us, how we met and how it all got started (spoiler alert: not that well :D). I figured it's more fun to read about our wedding preparations when you know what kind of couple we are! Now, that I have time, I was finally able to get it done, so here we go, the story of us and a small photo album too! :)...

  • Relationship

    Relationship Care

    Originally published on Meidän Häät website. Collaboration with BAB Helsinki I mentioned on my post a few weeks ago that Eerikki has been working a lot for the last few months and we haven’t really had that much time together. I’ve been quite busy with my PhD and with all the wedding planning stuff and Eerikki barely has time...
