• Style

    Meidän lasten vaatetyyli

    Okei, otsikon pitäisi olla kyllä äidin lastenvaatetyyli, koska lapset eivät vielä osaa itse valita vaatteitaan (onneksi :D) vaikka Jordan onkin jo innokas asustaja, mutta ehkä tällä otsikolla asia on vähän selkeämpi. Olen pukenut molemmat lapset vauvana lähes pelkästään valkoiseen, beigeen ja vaaleanharmaaseen. Se…

  • Bebe,  Style

    Bebe style

    As dressing Jordan in cute clothes is one of my favorite activities right now I decided to make a picture post on the subject. When I was pregnant, I decided to dress our future baby only in white, beige and light gray. Now that it's summer, I've added some peach and mint to the mix

  • Style

    Maternity Style

    Hi! I've been meaning to write this post for a while now and I finally found the perfect timing for that. When I got pregnant I figured I'd get a few tops, a few bottoms and a couple of dresses and that should be enough maternity clothing. Well, yea, that didn't go as planned! I ended up buying much more than I had planned but for a good reason, I think. First of all, some of the clothes I bought in early...
