Summer Balcony
It's finally June and summer! It should be close to 20 degrees Celsius tomorrow in Helsinki so there's a slight chance that I'll finally put my winter coat away and change into summer clothing... My family and friends find it very amusing that I'm still walking around in a down coat when there are people on the streets in shorts, but hey, what can I say, pregnancy just makes me really cold! :P
I made posts about our home in the winter, including one of our balcony but it looks totally different now in the summer so I wanted a new post to show what it looks like now. We took the projector and the screen away for the summer and put a small dining table and barbecue in. As there was a lot of peach and mint green stuff left over from the wedding, I put some of that stuff on the balcony and gave it a new look with that.
We had our first bbq with our friends last weekend and as the weather was so nice we put a table outside to the small yard that's outside our balcony and ate there. I managed to burn my face too this weekend even though it was like 14C so good luck to me when the proper heatwave arrives :D