From a Wedding Blog to a Lifestyle Blog
I have to admit that when I started writing this blog I had never really followed any blogs myself, I just really wanted to write. Now, a year and a half later, the urge to write has only grown stronger while I have little to say about weddings anymore.
So, the time has come to turn this wedding blog to a lifestyle blog. There are still a few topics about our wedding I'm going to write about, one is about guest gifts and the other is about what didn't go as planned at our wedding. I might write about other wedding topics occasionally, but from now on the emphasis will be on other subjects.
I want to write more about our life outside the wedding and as I love interior design, I'll be writing about that as well. I'll also continue writing breakfast reviews, I hope you've liked them as I love writing them being the breakfast fan that I am :D.
One of my friends has been telling me for about a year now that I should start writing a science blog. Well now she's finally gotten her way, sort of... Occasionally I will write about some metaphysical questions that I find really interesting but I won't be teaching elementary physics here, don't worry :D. In other words, you can expect posts on our life, pretty pillowcases and metaphysical questions... That definitely sounds odd, but worry not, it's going to be great! :D

I'm so happy you've followed our wedding journey. I hope this blog has provided you with useful tips and ideas for your own wedding and I hope you'll love the lifestyle blog as well. Each comment has made me so happy, it feels nice to hear from you readers and not just write to a quiet audience :).
Tomorrow I'll be writing about our Valentine's Day. If you are accessing the blog through a blog list website, you should find it tomorrow from the lifestyle section :).