Bride's attire

Wedding Fashion 2022

Dresses: Sis Idman by Ateljé Katariina
Make up and hair: Villi Vanilja
Photography: Matilda Saarinen

Every spring I notice that my blog's wedding-related posts become very popular again, and I've been thinking for a long time that it would be fun to write something new about weddings, after all, I'm still a total wedding fan! I could plan us a wedding every other year probably for the rest of my life. However, due to financial and time management reasons, it's probably better that instead I write about wedding topics on the blog occasionally, and I decided to start with wedding dresses.

When I was planning our wedding I was trying on wedding dresses all around Helsinki and most of my absolute favorite wedding dresses were at Ateljé Katariina. That's why I wanted to present them to you now. My lovely wedding hairdo was done by Villi Vanilja, so it was natural to ask them to make a wedding look for the photoshoot. Matilda Saarinen was our original wedding photographer, but since our wedding was postponed due to covid and she was not free for the new wedding day, she took our engagement pictures and for the wedding photos we had to look for another wonderful photographer.

I chose wedding dresses for the photoshoot that were as different as possible but ones that I personally like. I'm still not into buns, but I love ponytails, so Mareena from Villi from Vanilja made me a lovely wedding ponytail. I hope you can find inspiration for your own wedding look from these pictures, there's more inspiration here and I warmly recommend visiting Katariina's shop or website, at least I am absolutely in love with their dresses. Maybe I'll make this wedding dress fashion post an annual tradition so that I can dress up in lovely wedding dresses every year... I definitely have to find an event where I can wear Natalie wedding dress again :D.

Makeup Villi Vanilja, dress Ateljé Katariina (Alina).
Hair Villi Vanilja, dress Ateljé Katariina (Alina). Rose gold hair ornament with pin fastening Ateljé Katariina.


  • Anni

    Mulla jäi vähän epäselväksi, että mikä siis on häämuotia nyt tänä vuonna? Tässä ei oltu kerrottu mitään ja olit vain kirjoittanut ”Valitsin kuvaukseen mahdollisimman erilaiset hääpuvut, mutta sellaisia tietenkin, joista itse pidän.”
    Eli ootko sä päättänyt tähän postaukseen mikä oli muotia vuonna 2022?

    Olisin kaivannut häämuoti postausta vuodelle 2023, koska nyt hankitaan pukuja sen vuoden häitä varten:)

    • Sissi

      Harmi, ettei auennut jutusta! Muotia tällä hetkellä muun muassa boheemi tyyli, hihat ja runsaat helmat, myös pelkistetty/elegantti tyyli suosiossa. On muitakin hääpukumuoteja, mutta nämä pääsivät nyt esittelyyn tässä postauksessa. Nämä kaikki ovat olleet jo muutaman vuoden muodissa, hääpukumuoti ei kovin radikaalisti muutu vuosittain. Toivottavasti selvensi asiaa ja ihania häitä vuodelle 2023!

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