Wedding pictures

Weird wedding pictures

Even with wedding pictures things don't always go as planned. When you have people taking pictures of you every moment, with every possible facial expression, you get a few very interesting ones.. So I figured I'd put those together for you to enjoy!

We'll start from the more normal ones and slowly move on to the "hamster". Even though a picture may tell more than a thousand words, I have added lines for us to some of them to describe what I feel like the pictures are saying.

S: Are you serious that you forgot to feed Peppi before you left? Picture: Vill Sander
S: How about I sing you a little serenade? E: Seriously be quiet now. Picture: Vill Sander
S: Look at that handsome man. E: You disgust me. Picture: Vill Sander
Well, here we're just in two totally different moods...

Then we get to the pictures that neither one of us remember being taken and have no idea what's going on in them. It looks like we're facing some huge problem though in reality it was probably something like should we take more pictures here or there. In the pictures it looks far more dramatic though...

Eerikki is practicing a surprised look for his future career in the soap operas.
When all hope was lost

I couldn't understand why wedding photographers felt they weren't needed anymore once the party starts. The picture below explains why it's better they leave.

And finally, the Grande Finale... The Hamster!

I hope you weren't reading this at night time, the hamster may haunt you in your dreams...


  • Jossu

    Kiitos, kun jaoit näitä! Jotenkin helpotti paine onnistua täydellisesti jokaisessa hääpäivänä otettavassa kuvassa 😀 En tiedä miksi olen kuvitellut, että kaikkien kuvat onnistuvat 100%, vaikka eivät nämäkään ”epäonnistuneita” olleet vaan hauskoja ja ei niitä ”kiiltokuva”-kuvia 🙂

    • Sissi

      Hauska kuulla, että näistä oli apua 😄 Joo ei jokainen kuva vaan voi mennä nappiin ja niistä on sitten toisella tapaa iloa 😄😄 Ja varmasti teillä tulee upeat hääkuvat 😍

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