
One Month Engaged

Originally published on Meidän Häät website.

We have now been engaged for a month! The ring… is still not here. I’m starting to think the whole thing is a scam and there is no ”real” ring that’s coming ”any day now” :D. 

After we booked our venue a few weeks ago we immediately took a week off from wedding planning. Ok, that may not sound like much but with the time and energy we’d been putting into the wedding it felt like a lot, and it was definitely good for us both. I was under the impression that a year is not enough time to plan a wedding so the first two weeks I was bombaring venues, bakeries, photographers and event halls with emails. For the event hall I’ll just say I was looking for carpets… at 5 am. At this point it might be a good idea to tell you that I have a tendency to plan everything to the last detail, preferably as much in advance as possible and get stuck on the tiniest details (ok, useless details). So I’d say I tend to get a bit overboard with planning at times so a week long break definitely did me good.

In fact, we have concluded that since we have the venue now, nothing else is that urgent anymore. I’ve heard that the band and the photographer should be on the list next but I really can’t choose between photographers. In all honesty, I think all the portfolios look pretty similar. If anyone has good tips on choosing a photographer I’d love to hear them!

Now that I’ve jumped back on the wedding-planning-train, choo choo, I’ve been thinking about the wedding dress. My mom used to sew clothes so we are thinking that she could maybe make my dress. On the other hand, there are sales now at bridal stores and finding a dress that’s perfect and requires no work would be great too, if it’s for a reasonable price.

We celebrated our First Month Engaged- anniversary by having some champagne that I had put in the fridge like half a year ago, thinking that we’ll save that for some big celebration 😀 After that, we went to Bas Bas Wine barfor dinner. 

One Month Engaged- celebration dinner

That’s all the news for now, have a great weekend!


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